Packing a lunch for school can save money, give you greater control over what your kids are eating, and can help you manage food allergies. Young kids can’t easily rehydrate food without hot water, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put your home freeze dryer to work for school lunches. Older kids may have access to water heated in a
Sat, Dec 05 2020 - Asfullax
Grilled cheese croutons fall into the
Sat, Dec 05 2020 - Asfullax
There are plenty of reasons why eating a healthy breakfast is important:
- Boosts your metabolism – good news for anyone trying to lose weight, especially those who have hit the dreaded middle age metabolism slow down.
- Helps keep blood sugar levels even throughout the day.
- Reduces risk of overeating later in th
Sat, Dec 05 2020 - Asfullax
Freeze dried food can be stored for up to 25 years! Its longevity depends on how you store it, however. Here are some tips for properly storing freeze dried food so they’re fresh and ready when you need them:
Sat, Dec 05 2020 - Asfullax
Some foods are more challenging to freeze dry than others. Because of their cellular structure and moisture content, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, and other foods/meals with high amounts of liquid will take longer to freeze dry. The freeze dryer is measuring the moisture content and knows when the process is complete.Sat, Dec 05 2020 - Asfullax
One of the first questions we had when we got our freeze dryer was in regards to pre-freezing, and if it is necessary. After a few times, we quickly realized the importance of pre-freezing, especially using the trays for our freeze dryer. Below is a quick overview of what we have found.
Sat, Dec 05 2020 - Asfullax
I am pretty sure that we were not alone in realizing that while the freeze dryer is really quite for what it is, we quickly wanted to see if we could find a way to quiet it down. The thought first crossed our mind, after we setup the dryer and started our first batch, sitting down for dinner, it was quiet enough that we could still hold a conver
Sat, Dec 05 2020 - Asfullax